OpenNMS On the Horizon – September 6th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on ALEC (situation datasource, UI timeline), CircleCI config improvements, device config backup telemetry, Horizon Stream (Minion gRPC, Minion gateway, ICMP/SNMP polling, traps, PagerDuty integration, operator and Skaffold, Sonar code coverage, Spring Boot, maps, and UI), Documentation (style guide, doc-writing guide, quick start, events, DCB, Cortex time-series), offheap queueing for time-series, Docker image publishing and ARM improvements, Sonar CI fixes, publishing to Maven Central, Helm queries and flows, web UI fixes, DCB analytics, partial updates for config REST.

By |2023-03-09T15:38:20-05:00September 6th, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 29th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (cortex time-series, quick start guide, style guide, Helm entity datasource), Horizon Stream (operator/skaffold/platform updates, Grafana integration, Minion, PagerDuty and notifications, Ignite, maps, UI widgets), datachoices telemetry, SCV, Docker, Cortex time-series plugin, datacollection/thresholding, 3rd-party license reporting, ALEC APIs, system IDs, Helm, UI event parameter handling, and DCB REST updates.

By |2023-03-09T15:38:26-05:00August 29th, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 23rd, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (notifications, daemons, "deep dive", Helm), Horizon Stream (Skaffold/operator/gateway infrastructure, Minion, graph API, metrics, containers, device UI), ALEC (situation REST and UI), CircleCI improvements, Docker improvements, datachoices/telemetry, JICMP6, off-heap improvements, SNMP4J, location, config manager, and interface REST, and Helm (entity and flow datasource improvements).

By |2023-03-09T15:41:25-05:00August 23rd, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 15th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (Plugin API, daemons, Minion, Helm), Horizon Stream (Minion, build system, Keycloak, operator/Skaffold improvements, notifications, metrics, maps, and device UI), CircleCI, Enlinkd, datachoices telemetry, SNMP provisioning policy handling, ALEC situations, the location REST service, regex node filters in Helm, web validation.

By |2023-03-09T15:41:22-05:00August 15th, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 8th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (Minion, plugin API, events), Horizon Stream (monitoring, time-series storage, Kubernetes operator, notifications, PagerDuty, Skaffold/Tilt config, device/appliance UI and maps), Enlinkd scheduling, datachoices telemetry, CI dynamic config, build assembly, ALEC (situations backend and UI), JMX collection, time-series off-heap storage, and password complexity checks.

By |2023-03-09T15:41:13-05:00August 8th, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 1st, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (Kafka, Karaf features, MySQL JDBC and JIRA ticketing, and SNMP varbinds), Horizon Stream (Prometheus and Grafana integration, Minion, Skaffold, notifications, and device APIs), CircleCI, Enlinkd bridge topology, ALEC Hellinger Distance, JUnit and test updates, datachoices telemetry, flow persistence in OIA, Newts Cassandra updates, Grafana database reports, cloud APIs, MySQL collection, Spring, OpenTelemetry, password updates, and ALEC.

By |2023-03-09T15:41:07-05:00August 1st, 2022|
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