Meridian 2020
Enhanced usability and more robust features are the focus of Meridian 2020, your stable, reliable, open-source network monitoring platform.
Meridian 2020’s new and improved features build on the product’s scalability and customization capabilities so you can make Meridian work for you and your environment.
New Features
No need to be an OpenNMS wizard: set one property to turn on the Time Series Integration layer, add a plugin, and our Time Series Integration Layer and API does the rest. We even have three sample plugins: Cortex, InfluxDB, and TimescaleDB.
Receive notification of OpenNMS alarms through PagerDuty with the OpenNMS Integration API plugin.
Notify on-call responders, customize the alarms forwarded to PagerDuty, and synchronize incidents and acknowledgement across both Meridian and PagerDuty as they update. Find the plugin here.
Support for the BGP Monitoring Protocol (BMP) in the streaming telemetry feature (telemetryd) allows for advanced monitoring and management, and provides a convenient way to monitor BGP routing information on the routing device.
gRPC Support
Don’t want to use Active MQ or Kafka to communicate with a Minion?
Improvements to the IPC APIs, including new gRPC support, mean improved communication between the Meridian core, Minion, and Sentinel.
See the gRPC support documentation for more details.
Thresholding Made Easy(ier)
Thresholding documentation now takes a task-based approach to get you up and running faster.
A basic walk-through explains how to determine you are collecting the metric on which you want to threshold and how to create and test the threshold. The documentation also includes a step-by-step, real-world example on how to create a threshold for CPU usage.
Streamlined Web UI
Meridian 2020 marks the beginning of our long-term project to update the Web UI.
The navbar notification alert now shows up everywhere, not just on the front page; we’ve reorganized and cleaned up the user menu; and the requisitions UI now supports deleting a node from its node page in the editor.
Create PDFs of Grafana Dashboards
New step-by-step documentation explains how to create PDFs of Grafana dashboards. Create a permanent record of easily shareable strategic information and progress for improved capacity planning.
More Visibility into Provisioning
Tracing in provisiond allows for better understanding of the tasks happening during provisioning.
Meridian also triggers an event whenever a node scan is scheduled so you know when it starts or is running.
Updates to newSuspect events ensure that duplicate nodes are not created when multiple IP addresses belong to the same node.
Check out the documentation for more information.
Better Minion Operation in Containerized Environments
Easier configuration for Minions running in container environments like Docker, Kubernetes, or CRI-O, through a single entry point.
Docker-specific Minion updates include 50% smaller Minion container sizes, native ICMP support for improved performance, and ARM support..
Enhanced Flow Performance
Overall flow improvements including support for aggregation and the use of CIDR notation for IP address expressions.