OpenNMS On the Horizon – September 19th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on Horizon Stream (Minion RPC and gateway, operator improvements, hashicorp vault support, device UI and events), documentation (quick start guide, grafana, flows), OpenTelemetry, VNC integration, Sonar (CI workflow, bug fixes), Enlinkd scheduling and OSPF area support, and hashicorp vault SCV integration (including REST).

By |2023-03-09T15:38:04-05:00September 19th, 2022|

OpenNMS On the Horizon – August 8th, 2022

Since last time, we worked on documentation (Minion, plugin API, events), Horizon Stream (monitoring, time-series storage, Kubernetes operator, notifications, PagerDuty, Skaffold/Tilt config, device/appliance UI and maps), Enlinkd scheduling, datachoices telemetry, CI dynamic config, build assembly, ALEC (situations backend and UI), JMX collection, time-series off-heap storage, and password complexity checks.

By |2023-03-09T15:41:13-05:00August 8th, 2022|
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