It's time once again for OpenNMS On the Horizon.
Since last time, we worked on documentation (provisiond, upgrading, HTTPS config, external auth, notification commands, OSGi development), the OpenNMS Integration API, secure credentials vault, logging, device config backup (SCV support, metadata handling, SSH auth), Horizon Stream, Keycloak auth, arm64 Docker containers for Horizon and Setinel, Trapd and the Twin API, Skaffold Kubernetes deployment, Helm node filtering, SCV web UI, and cron expression handling in the new UI.
Github Project Updates
Internals, APIs, and Documentation
- I updated OIA and branched for OIA 1.0
- Bonnie did more work on provisiond and upgrade documentation
- Patrick continued his work to expose the secure credentials vault to OIA
- Gerald worked on using Protobuf and Kafka as a proof-of-concept Eventd replacement
- Mark worked on HTTPS, external auth, and notification commands documentation
- Chandra cleaned up the container bridge logging to be less chatty
- Chandra updated device config backup APIs for persistence config
- Arthur worked on example Horizon Stream docker-compose configs
- Yang Li worked on role-based auth using Keycloak in Stream
- Christian added support for disabling DCB for a device in requisition metadata
- I worked on cleaning up some of our xerces/XML dependencies
- Freddy worked to wrap up the arm64 branch for Horizon and Sentinel
- Chandra did more work on integrating metadata handling and SCV
- Dustin worked on support for recursive parsing of metadata expressions
- Dustin did more work on SSH host key authentication for DCB
- Chandra wrote some developer documentation on OSGi and Karaf
- Arthur added the web detector to Horizon Stream
- Chandra improved Trapd startup to use the twin subscriber without blocking on it
- Gerald worked on a basic Skaffold-based workflow for deploying Stream locally using Kubernetes
Web, ReST, UI, and Helm
- Alexander worked on an HTTPS smoke test
- Alberto worked on wrapping up some of his node filter Helm work
- Mike worked on adding SCV support to the new UI
- Chandra updated the SCV REST service to handle masked credentials cleanly
- Chinh Le worked on cron expression parsing
Thanks to the following contributors for committing changes since last OOH:
- Gerald Humphries
- Benjamin Reed
- Chandra Gorantla
- Chinh Le
- Bonnie Robinson
- Alberto Ramos
- Mike Rose
- Alexander Chadfield
- Yang Li
- Marcel Fuhrmann
- Arthur Naseef
- Dustin Frisch
- Mark Mahacek
- Freddy Chu
- Alex May
- Christian Pape
- Patrick Schweizer
Releases and Roadmap
Upcoming May Releases
OpenNMS is on a monthly release schedule, with releases happening on the second Wednesday of the month.
The next OpenNMS release day is May 11th, 2022.
We currently expect the first release of Horizon 30, plus Meridians 2019 through 2022.
Next Horizon: 30 (Q2 2022)
The next major Horizon release will be Horizon 30.
Horizon 30 is currently expected to have the following features:
- the start of a new Vue-based UI using the Feather Design System
- thresholding support for Flow data
- initial work moving configuration from XML files to the database -- the first config file implemented on top of the new system will be
- support for running OIA plugins on Minion and Sentinel
- support for backing up router configuration files
Next Meridian: 2023 (Q1 2023)
Meridian 2023 is early in its development cycle, but you can expect it to contain, at the very least, the work that's going into Horizon 30.
Note that this is just based on current plans; dates, features, and releases can change or slip depending on how development goes.
The statements contained herein may contain certain forward-looking statements relating to The OpenNMS Group that are based on the beliefs of the Group’s management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to the Group’s management. These forward-looking statements are, by their nature, subject to significant risks and uncertainties.
...We apologize for the excessive disclaimers. Those responsible have been sacked.
Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretti nasti...
We apologise again for the fault in the disclaimers. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.
Until Next Time…
If there’s anything you’d like me to talk about in a future OOH, or you just have a comment or criticism you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to say hi.
- Ben
Resolved Issues Since Last OOH
- ALEC-102: Improve on DBSCAN + Hellinger Distance: Dummy Data Hellinger Distance Test
- HELM-318: Grafana Location Dashboard - Flows
- NMS-14118: Support Host Key verification
- NMS-14143: DCB: trigger backup via REST should block
- NMS-14145: DCB: Allow to disable scheduling
- NMS-14155: DCB: Add support for SCV retrieval through Metadata API
- NMS-14176: DCB: Getting the device config also persists [RFC]
- NMS-14184: Grafana dashboard box links are no longer valid in Grafana 8.4
- NMS-14192: Dependabot: update Vaadin to the latest 8.x
- NMS-14205: Add UI Components for SCV
- NMS-14206: Restrict logging on
- NMS-14218: SCV: Masked credentials should be ignored in update
- NMS-14234: Add OpenNMS/OSGi HowTo document
- NMS-14236: Upgrade to feather 0.10.8 & resolve TS issues