Hello World, We had an Easterhack some days ago, as some of you remember. Marcel Fuhrmann and Markus von Rüden organised the event and Marcel provided a place in his home for the OpenNMS guys to hack, eat, drink, talk and have some fun. Here are a few things what we did (aside from playing Guitar Hero, trying his homemade climbing wall, eating Pizza, and drinking Mead) :)
- We discussed about best practices for monitoring system processes and the result is published in the opennms.org blog section
- Markus von Rüden began work on an enhancement on the start page with some new UI elements to show the overall monitoring statuses. The feature is targeted for next major release Horizon 20. Some screenshots and the motivation is documented in our Wiki in the Lab-Section. Please use the opennms-discuss mailing list or the opennms-discuss chat if you want to give positive or negative feedback - either of which is highly appreciated.
- Ronny migrated our conference management system software frab to a Docker service which will be used for OUCE 2018
- Daniel Krah started some work with Marcel to get our mascot, Ulf, 3D modeled for integration with SuperTuxKart
- Marcel Fuhrmann spent some time gathering information for a new tutorial on how to monitor an LSI Megaraid controller with SNMP
- Marcel Fuhrmann and Markus von Rüden documented the JMX Monitor
If you are interested in sharing a story in the opennms.org blog section, feel free - the page and the content is on GitHuband waiting for Pull Requests or just hit me up- I’m happy to help. Otherwise don’t hesitate to say hi.
I would like to send a big "Thank You" to Marcel and his family for hosting our first Hackathon- You Rock!
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish